Over the years, I’ve joined several #PinkRibbonWalks to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October).

Like many of us, I know of families impacted by breast cancer and so putting on a pink t-shirt, walking shoes and a smile (even on a rainy day!) brings a sunny attitude to a challenging journey for many woman and their families.

It’s interesting how so many of us know about woman on their cancer and mental health challenges , yet far less about the similar challenges that men have.

With early diagnosis, men’s cancers are actually some of the most treatable. And on the subject of Men’s mental health , the data is scary.
Yet the stigma means men often don’t talk enough about cancer or their mental health. And sadly, too many men are dying early because of this stigma.

Through the month of November, I’ll be doing my part in talking and writing about these important matters – and what more we can be doing as colleagues, leaders and employers.

For now, as we come to the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thoughts and wishes with the ladies and their families on their journeys 🙏